Dear Influencer,
As we are approaching our 3rd year and our revamped platform that mirrors the resurgence of initiatives and the return to engagement and enterprise in the quest to present the “movers, shakers and legacy makers”, INFLUENCE-DiCOTA is continuing to build on comprehensive coverage of the global stories and societal features that spotlight the many unsung individuals who inspire and influence others with an emphasis on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Access and Advocacy.
The emergence of diversity in the workplace has generated an increase in awareness regarding the importance of programs and policies that reflect the differences within our society that enhance our overall experiences and create an environment that is productive, positive and proactive. INFLUENCE-DiCOTA (Diversity in Communities Opportunities Technologies Amenities) is a Renaissance publication platform that will transform modern communication methodologies while bridging the gap between immediate access to information and providing comprehensive coverage of compelling issues that directly impacts consumers, communities and commerce.
INFLUENCE-DiCOTA was founded to uplift diverse Communities globally with a local flavor in features on business development, supplier/workforce diversity initiatives and affordable housing models; to spotlight Opportunities that make a positive difference in business and society; to showcase Technologies and innovations that are saving lives, inspiring people and recharging neighborhoods, and to spotlight Amenities that are empowering a wide range of industries and initiating public/private collaborations that focus on diversity, inclusion and equitable distribution of resources and outcomes.
Research has shown that diversity has a significant and positive impact on ROI in business growth and community empowerment that is too often unheralded. Diversity in public and private sector models have intersected in many transformative ways that require a trendsetting platform to capture and disseminate. Showcasing four major societal pillars through the lens of a multi- platform media vehicle will bring unheard voices to the forefront, uplift emerging neighborhoods that have long been forgotten, and highlight the key drivers and stellar accomplishments that are spurring global engagement and inclusion. INFLUENCE-DiCOTA is that media vehicle! We are aiming for an enhanced level of entrenched community investment and long-term promotional revitalization.
The INFLUENCE-DiCOTA Winter 2022 “Re-Intro Issue” will be chock-full of groundbreaking initiatives and timely trendsetting platforms that spotlight the “new and empowered” direction that is much needed in the global diversity space and we are here to tell your story to the world! Join The Movement!
Please see the attached promotional media package for the special issue. For more information, contact: Davida McMillan, INFLUENCE-DiCOTA Director, Subscriptions and Promotions at 770/609-9804.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Yours in Diversity and Influence,
Meta J. Mereday
Co-Founder and Senior Editor